Marine Field Trip Report In Dutungan Island And Paputo Beach
Hello guys ... Assalamualaikum. How’s your feeling now? I hope you are alright.
Usually, to know about someone, we must
first acquaintance. So, let me introduce myself. My full name is Nur'aini Amanda Latta. My
nickname is Aini. And this is my first blog.
Oh yes, I am studying at the Makassar
Tourism Polytechnic, Department of Travel, Tour & Travel Business Study Program.
So, on October 5th – 6th
2019, we had conducted a Marine Field Trip for 2 days 1 night. We visited
Dutungan Island in Barru Regency, and Paputo Beach in Pare-Pare City. Our trip
was very pleasant.
you want to know? Hmm .. Alright, I'll tell my experience.
So, before departure we had done a
simulation to become a tour guide. We were guided by our seniors named Sardika
and Didit. They were very kind and exciting, we were also permitted to ask
anything about them, and they gave tips and tricks on how to become a fun and
exciting tour guide.
On October 5th, 2019, precisely
on Friday, we gathered in front of the orange building before 6:00 in the
morning, because we will be absent at 6:00 in the morning, and for students who
come past 06:00 in the morning, we will be given a sanction which we call a
Warning Box (WB). And we were given a luggage tag to put on our respective
At 07.00 in the morning, we immediately
boarded the bus and sat according to the designated seats. And my seat position
is in the right seat near the window. I am happy to be able to get a seat,
because I can see beautiful scenes without being hindered by others. And it was
very effective to overcome my sleepiness hehehe.
After everyone sat neatly on the bus, we
were asked to appear as a tour guide on the bus during the trip in turn
according to the scheduled performance schedule. We pay attention to each
other's directions given by our friends.
Arriving at Jalan Perintis, we picked up
one of our lecturers named Ms. Margaretha to look after and supervise us. After
that, we continued our journey.
During the trip, we were asked to write
inventory in the form of the names of hotels, restaurants and travel agents
that we passed during the trip.
Arriving at Tanjung Indah dock, we were
asked to gather and read prayers in accordance with our respective religions
before boarding a boat to cross the ocean to get to the Dutungan island, and
accompanied by advice from several lecturers, as well as seniors at the time
become a Tour Leader of our trip.
At that time, we were divided into 2 groups
to arrive at Dutungan Island. And I belong to 2nd group which means
I can get on the boat after the arrival of 1st group on the Dutungan
Arriving at Dutungan Island, we were asked
to change our clothes to be more comfortable to wear when doing water
activities whether diving, snorkeling, or gymnastics. And we use gray clothes,
black leggings pants, and accompanied by a direct dark veil. That is our
dresscode for water activities.
And we immediately gathered after using the
specified dresscode. We were gathered to listen the instructions from the
instructor about diving and snorkeling so that we could carry out these
activities according to the rules of the game, and so that undesirable things
did not occur, such as accidents in the form of drowning, oxygen depletion, and
so on.
The instructor said that we must pay
attention to all the tools we will use when diving. Because diving is a
dangerous second-order sport that can be life threatening. And we are taught
how to use these tools in our bodies so that they are interconnected. And the
instructor asserted that we cannot dive alone. And we are asked to always be
careful in all conditions.
Furthermore, the call to prayer Friday was
ringing. We as students were asked to take lunch rations to be enjoyed while
waiting for men to finish Friday prayers. After that, we were allowed to do the
Dhuhr prayer at the mushollah in the dutungan island environment.
praying, we returned to the bridge to queue for diving and snorkeling.
I see friends who do diving, they are
guided by professional instructors, they are guided in used diving equipment
which they have previously made sure in advance that the diving equipment they
will use is proper to use. Likewise with friends who do snorkeling, they wear
life jackets on their bodies, frog sandals, and glasses that are used by
someone who snorkels.
Finally the time for Asr prayer had
arrived, so we hurried to clean our bodies and wear dry clothes again. After
that we were allowed to do the Asr prayer. After that, we were asked to take
group photos at some pretty spots on Dutungan Island.
And then, we returned by boat again to
Tanjung Indah dock. And we returned to the bus and our respective seats. We
headed for the hotel where we would rest. Namely the Delima Sari hotel in the Pare-Pare
We are allowed to clean up, rest, and make
preparations for dinner. The dress code we wear at dinner is batik and black
pants or black skirts. And at 19:00 WITA, we were asked to gather in the hotel
lobby to get ready for dinner. We only need to walk about 5 minutes to get to
the restaurant.
We also enjoy the food that was served to
us with gusto. That's very delicious. Hmmm, it is very different from the food
at the boarding house, which has noodles with eggs everyday hehehe. But
remember we still need to be grateful how the situation.
After eating, we returned to the hotel to
prepare presentation materials and make presentations about K3 and the trips we
had taken all day. After that, we were asked to display a free display of each
group. Some are singing while rocking, and so on.
After all the itinerary for that day we
have done, we are allowed to rest in their respective rooms which are already
listed in the distribution of the room list.
Some of our friends were assigned to wake
all the participants of this activity at 04.30 WITA to perform the morning
prayer. After that, we did a morning exercise, and we visited the monument to
the immortal love of BJ. Habibie and Ainun.
After that, we returned to the hotel for
breakfast. The menu is also very delicious. Starting with bread, chicken
porridge, and fried rice. The drinks also have tea, coffee and caramel which
are also very tasty. And I chose to eat chicken porridge and coffee, so I was
not sleepy when I continued my journey.
After eating, we were asked to get ready to
leave the hotel. Because we will visit the Paputo beach in the Pare-Pare city
by bus. During the trip from the hotel to Paputo beach, we still listened to
friends who were assigned to deliver the guiding material.
Arriving at Paputo Beach, we observed and
enjoyed this activity. We sing together, play, eat, tell stories and many other
activities. My friends and I really enjoyed this trip, one of the ways we
enjoyed this trip was by capturing moments in a photo and video J This was done so
that we could recall the activities that we had done together.
And finally we went back to Makassar to end
our trip. And we arrived at the beloved campus, Makassar Tourism Polytechnic in
the afternoon on Saturday, October 6th, 2019.
1) I thank the beloved campus,
Makassar Tourism Polytechnic for giving us the opportunity to do this activity.
And this activity runs very smoothly as expected and it's very fun.
2) I thank the lecturers for taking
the time to look after and guide us during this activity.
3) Thank you to the Tour Leaders who
are willing to handle and deal with us, which actually makes you feel tired.
4) Thank you to PT. Mitra Selaras
and drivers who are willing to support our journey and make us peaceful in this
5) Thank you to the instructors who
have deigned to share their knowledge and guide us in diving and snorkeling.
6) Thank you to my classmates for
making this trip so exciting.
7) Thanks to myself for being
willing to do anything strong.
8) Thank you the most to my parents,
who have facilitated me to be able to be on campus, especially this Travel
Business Study program, and always support me in every condition J
9) Finally, don't forget to always
give thanks to God Almighty, Allah SWT who has given us the opportunity to be
in this world, so we can enjoy it all
Thanks for you friends who have deigned to
read my blog that is still lacking this hehehe. Sorry if I have a wrong
expression in this story huh. Please always support me. Give your comments so
that it can be better
Bye. Wassalamualaikum. And see you on the next blog, reader ^ _ ^ J
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Thank you
Interesting trip, i hope U write again on the next trio
Fighting aini chan 👏
Good🤗 semangat terusss💪